Heidi Tikka




mobile projects




Syntymiä (Births)
Mobile service experiment, 2003

Between November 3.-23.2003 families at the HUS maternity wards in Helsinki had an opportunity to borrow a camera phone, document their new born baby and send the image as a multimedia message to two public locations. The picture messages were published and stored at the project web site. The most recent images were displayed as a video projection in the back window of Kiasma, facing towards Mannerheminitie and the Parliament House. The audience had an opportunity to participate by sending an sms-message or an e-mail welcoming the babies to the world.


Imaginary Journey
Participatory online experiment, 2003

The imaginary journey website is a documentation of a fictional trip through Europe performed by a mother with her 4 year old son. The audience is invited to participate and send images from the places mother dreams about with her son.