java basics @ mlab, 15-19 Nov 1999,

 work of the participants         demoday 15.12.1999

schedule monday morning introduction lecture afternoon gearing up - getting familiar with unix - setting up the 'java development environments' - applets inside html - compiling first examples setting up unix the small unix guide general instructions examples first example, source what did we learn? tuesday morning & afternoon datatypes, variables etc. conditions, loops etc. template for the java99 index page examples simple example, source simple example with background, source pingpong example, source pingpong2, source what did we learn? wednesday morning & afternoon examples while loop, source two while loops, source for loop, source for loop with animation, source sine loop (quite complicated, sorry!), source mouse click, source what did we learn? thursday morning & afternoon arrays examples loop with delay, source loop with variable amount (using mouse), source sound, source arrays text example, source color loop (using Color array), source friday morning results
links University of Helsinki Introduction to Programming Programming in Java jdk 1.02 documentation java tutorial jdk 1.02 API documentation jdk 1.02 Graphics Class demonstration applets jdk 1.0 others godog (a pc with a sound card recommended) SourceTec Java Decompiler