1. Nate Blaylock, James Allen and George Ferguson:
Synchronization in an Asynchronous Agent-based architecture for Dialogue Systems PDF

2. Pete Bonasso:
Using discourse to modify control procedures PDF

3. Harry Bunt:
Politeness acts and their meaning in human-computer dialogue Postscript

4. Sharon Chu:
The prosodic transcription of a corpus of Hong Kong English - Collection Criteria, Transcription System and Preliminary Findings PDF

5. Raquel Fernandez and Jonathan Ginzburg:
Non-sentential utterances - A corpus study PDF

6. Armin Fiedler:
Discourse Structure Trees as Uniform Representation for Discourse Segmentation and Focus of Attention PDF

7. Kate Forbes and Bonnie Webber:
A Semantic Account of Adverbials as Discourse Connectives PDF

8. Michael Glass and Barbara DiEugenio:
MUP - The UIC Standoff Markup Tool PDF

9. Nancy Green:
An Experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of cross-media cues in computer media PDF

10. Iryna Gurevych, Robert Porzel and Michael Strube:
Annotating the Semantic Consistency of Speech Recognition Hypotheses PDF

11. Helen Wright Hastie, Rashmi Prasad and Marilyn Walker:
Automatic Prediction of User Satisfaction and Task Success for the 2001 Communicator Data using Automatic DATE Dialogue Act Tagging PDF

12. Peter A. Heeman, Fan Yang and Susan E. Strayer:
DialogueView - An Annotation Tool for Dialogue PDF

13. Judith Hochberg, Nanda Kambhatla and Salim Roukos:
A Flexible Framework for Developing Mixed-Initiative Dialog Systems PDF

14. Kristiina Jokinen, Antti Kerminen, Mauri Kaipainen, Tommi Jauhiainen, Graham Wilcock, Markku Turunen, Jaakko Hakulinen, Jukka Kuusisto and Krista Lagus:
Adaptive Dialogue Systems - Interaction with Interact PDF

15. Pamela Jordan and Kurt VanLehn:
Discourse Processing for Explanatory Essays in Tutorial Applications PDF

16. Elena Karagjosova and Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova:
Conditional responses in information-seeking dialogues PDF

17. Simon Keizer, Rieks op den Akker and Anton Nijholt:
Dialogue Act Recognition with Bayesian Networks for Dutch Dialogues PDF

18. Mare Koit:
The structure of Information-seeking dialogues - a study of Estonian Dialogue Corpus PDF

19. Krista Lagus and Jukka Kuusisto:
Topic Identification in Natural Language Dialogues Using Neural Networks PDF

20. Staffan Larsson:
Issues under negotiation PDF

21. Oliver Lemon, Alexander Gruenstein, Alexis Battle and Stanley Peters:
Multi-tasking and Collaborative Activities in Dialogue Systems PDF

22. Oliver Lemon, Prashant Parikh and Stanley Peters:
Probabilistic Dialogue Modelling PDF

23. Max Louwerse and Andrew Olney:
Mixed initiative Dialog in Intelligent Tutoring Systems PDF

24. William Mann:
Dialogue Macrogame Theory PDF

25. Mary McGeeWood and Richard Craggs:
Rare Dialogue Acts in Oncology Consultations PDF

26. Daniel Midgley:
Beyond the Black Box - Dialogue Act Tagging for Accuracy and Explanatory Power PDF

27. Sebastian Moeller:
A new Taxonomy for the Quality of Telephone Services Based on Spoken Dialogue Systems PDF

28. David Novick, Karen Ward and Nigel Davies:
Dynamic Management of User Interfaces and Their Infrastructure PDF

29. Robert Porzel and Iryna Gurevych:
Towards Context-adaptive Utterance Interpretation PDF

30. Rashmi Prasad and Marilyn Walker:
Training a Dialogue Act Tagger for Human-human and Human-computer Travel dialogues PDF

31. Matthew Purver:
Processing Unknown Words in a Dialogue System PDF

32. Holger Schauer and Udo Hahn:
Events and Discourse Coherence PDF

33. Ronnie Smith, Brian Manning, Jon Rogers, Brian Adams, Mujibur Abdul and Amaury Alvarez :
A Dialog Architecture for Military Story Capture PDF

34. Atsue Takeoka and Atsushi Shimojima:
Grounding styles of aged dyads - an exploratory study PDF

35. Xianfang Wang and Limin Du:
Exploiting the hierarchical semantic representation in spoken dialogue system PDF

36. Weiqun Xu, Bo Xu, Taiyi Huang and Hairong Xin:
Bridging the Gap between Dialogue management and dialogue models PDF

37. Li-chiung Yang:
Extracting meaning from Context - Modeling the role of Discourse Markers PDF

38. Ingrid Zukerman and Sarah George:
A Minimum Message Length Approach for Argument Interpretation PDF

39. Kevin Hynna:
The ARSOM Engine - Modelling Dialogue Sequences as Transitions in State Space PDF