Multi User System Interaction Design Workshop

Media Lab UIAH, Stefan Berreth


"This workshop is aiming at developing a perspective on interactiondesign for systems that are experienced by the user as something that is essentially shared with other users.
Naturally one can learn a lot by studying a typical candidate for this kind of system, namely buildings and cities, the people therein using them and the communication that takes place there between individual users and the system, as well as among the users themselves which often happens by means of using the system. Although a large part of this kind of system is usually designed and as such relatively stable over time, from the individual user perspective such systems are not complete without other users, i.e. the other users are perceived as part of the system.
Observing and intentionaly manipulating such systems can bring important insights that help designing multi user systems in the digital domain. The workshop will provide a short introductory lecture, hands on observation and documentation of relevant systems, a small production work on the level of developing a concept, a model or an example solution for the design of a multi user system and enough room for relflection on own and other peoples works."

Results of recent workshops:

2003 Kick-off lecture slides
Collaborative SMS based story writing system - paperikori (paperbasket)
Busstop Art - Collaborative exploration and MMS phone picture competition
No Graffiti! - interactive junk-graphics private sphere breaking digital loopback installation
2002 Market
2001 "LittleRedRidingHood" interactive multiuser reading engine
2000 Cake Arena

Stefan Berreth 22.2.2002