Studies in
medialab 98-00

MA in new media studies


Read my final thesis and all the stages before it. in Finnish.

I participated in Eva Saro'swatch it! workshop planning. I made the site.

I was involved inDisplaying culture project, building the Semana Santa exhibition for the Helinä Rautavaara museum. I also did layout for the book, invitation & poster with Karri.

Some java stuff done in Juha Huuskonen's java 99 course.

Some morejava stuff done in Juha Huuskonen's java 00 course.

I referred Timo Siivonen's book kyborgi for final thesis seminar. in Finnish.


Take a peek to my Collaborative and problem based learning-study-diary (in Finnish only).

Visual representation of the process of making the movie "Beloe Nevo" or "Valkoinen Taivas". What do you have to take into account when making a documentary film? What is the process of stepping into a world unknown to you and how do you cope with strangers? Where do you draw the line between what you want to tell and what actually the material tells? This one requires quite a lot of explanation before you can figure it out.

Explanation is also needed on My case, which is a visualization of my work as a graphic designer/ html-coder in TRIAD HyperDance. Basically I've mounted some keywords that I felt important to a background which is sort of a mixture of the style of TRIAD. It tells you what the site consists of and what I learned during the work period.

Let's visit MArch (Media Architecture) at the Hietaniemi Cemetary

Are we alike? That's what I thought a lot during Genres in Design: Common characters in the www-sites of EMMA -schools.

I was also responsible for the desing guidelines - layout and style(sheets) (and the mainpage, along with some smaller parts such as memo) of the UIAH electronic magazine art2 - issue 2/98

Maybe you'd be interested to listen to a song I made during the audio basics course? You probably have a mp3 -player...

I'm not much of a coder, but I managed to make this auto-bookmarks-maker-script during Aki Kivelä's Advanced web techniques course. Just type in an interesting website name and description. The page will be updated automatically, and bookmarks will follow you!

Allow me to introduce Sheryl, the to-be famous Drag Queen and itv-talkshow -hostess.

I hope you like this, because I certainly do: send a sing-a-long postcard at my weird and groovy karaokefans anonymous website! After having a boring virtual postcard -system and a weird karaokesite i combined them in to one piece during Electronic publishing course.

I've always wanted to make playingcards and I got the chance during game design study -project where we made a demo of a Multi-user-poker demo for Raha-automaattiyhdistys.

Last but not least we'll go on a gondolride in the immortal Venice. The site gives you a sneek preview of the multimediapiece "Life and Death in Venice" that can be found on Marita Liulia's new S.O.B. -cdrom. The piece is written, directed, and photographed by Tiina Knuutila and Hanne Kiiveri. I did the video editings, multimediadesign, and coding on Director, these together with Tiina and Hanne. The whole piece can be seen here in medialab, the cdrom should be in the collections...

Studies not in internet-friendly mode

Chris Hales: workshop in interactive video. Me, Timo and Petri designed (and actually got it to work) an image player. Pressing keyboard buttons, you get a different image. But what to use it for? maybe you can write a story and then it makes a video for you... The work is unfinished.

Perry Hoberman: workshop in open interaction. How do you put an interactive Christmas tree to a webpage?

Priit Pärn: storyboarding workshop. Highly conceptual, a lot of writing and a little bit drawing. putting that material to a digital format wouldn't be that useful. Good stuff to have in your brain though :)

Watch it! - workshop by Eva Saro. Images change our lives and contain hidden information that is quite hard to code and cope with. I've learned to cope, Eva hadn't. But I started an interesting project with sharing images with one another, making changes and then again giving it to someone else.

Hannu Riihimäki had a few courses which taught me a lot about director and sticky interfaces

Asta Raami had a course in design for interaction ...or was it screen based design? Paperwork, I did something on the web, but don't know where that is.

Marjo Mäenpää: Media Management, scriptwriting workshop - some of the ideas and techniques have helped Sheryl.

A few theory courses by Minna and visitors, now they all are mixed up in my head. I've been presenting style, reading about designers' common mistakes and talking about social constructionism.

A few tools & skills courses: Eddie - image manipulation, 3d modelling & animation, Advanced Image editing, Typography for the screen, video editing, stereography...

Hey this list is actually quite long!

some other projects & stuff

The demoday is long by gone, but you can take a look at some images me and Markku put to the cyberspace that documented the party when it actually hadn't even begun!

Me and Timo have also ran movieclub "tykittäjät" during the spring semester. We've showed cult classics, such as Rocky Horror Picture Show, Blue Velvet, Dr. Strangelove (in memory of S. Kubrick), Barbarella, Blood Simple and had a nice audience every time, most people not from the medialab! But oh-oh, we don't have a webpage (yet?)

Oh yes, we did go to Stuttgart and found HEINO there. What would life be without Heino?

Some older studies can be found at my heppy hoam at Jyväskylä university.

Somehow I've also kept a page that holds addresses and contacts for all MA in new media 98-students here in medialab.


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