Jukka Ylitalo

Jukka Ylitalo is a media researcher with background in philosophy, theatre and interactive media.

Jukka Ylitalo Home page

From 1998 he has given workshops and lectures in interactive media and media philosophy.

1999 he graduated in philosophy at University of Helsinki. His thesis concentrated on issues of grammatological pedagogy (G. Ulmer), philosophy of Jacques Derrida & Heidegger in context of interactive media.

During period of 1996-1999 he produced interactive media installations and performances. In these works various alternative interface technologies, sensors and video camera based motion tracking, were implemented.

Recent activities


Visiting teacher: Media Lab, University of Art and Design (1998-2002)
Lectures, workshops: Helsinki Polytechnic - Stadia (2000-2002), Tampere Polytechnic (2002), South Carelia Polytechnic (2001), The Academy of Fine Arts of Helsinki (1998).


Kohti performanssin grammatologiaa - ajattelun ergonomia ja kirjoittamisen uudet teknologiat
Pro gradu, Helsingin yliopiston verkkojulkaisut, Helsinki 1999

Performance of the User of Interface
NIMRES speech 29.5.99 at UIAH Helsinki

"Philosophy of interface: a Conceptual error?"
Article in Arttu! 5-6/1998, University of Art and Design, Helsinki.

Exhibitions/ performances:


Floor of Confusion
Interactive Sound Installation, Muu Gallery, Helsinki 23.6. - 18.7. 1999


Public Creative Surveillance Plantation
Interactive media performance Helsinki 24.11.98

IFXS - automatic body language interpreter
interactive installation Budapest. internet.galaxis exhibition. 26.2-4.3.98


PCSD - Public Creative Surveillance Department
Interactive media performance Helsinki. 9.12.97

Sound installation in co-operation with the group AUT (Ambienti Urbani Temporanei). Florence, Italy 7-10.5.97.


The Alley
Interactive narrative video installation, Copenhagen Nikolaj Church during CyperPort exhibition. 1.-31.9.1996

© Jukka Ylitalo 2002