some java experiments in juhuu's java course.


first example: drawing rects, ovals, roundrects...
the source.

second example: nervous text based on applet written by daniel wyszynski at sun's jdk 1.0 demo applets pages. getting the color's right on background and applet.
the source.
the image on the right is also based on that script.
a handy rgb-hex color converter done with javascript helped me to find the right colors.


on tuesday i tried putting images and moving them around. animated gifs gives a nice extra. the other heart follows the mouse.
the source.

another version, which actually is the previos one with a bug, but looks better this way...
the source.

yet another version
the source.

then there is background and bounce. this is the final one.
the source.


once upon a site there was an image that moved around randomly when clicked with a mouse.
the source.

then there was also an image repeated with a loop.
the source.

but when the image size was animated by changing the size according to mouse position, things became interesting.
the source.

and there also was an image that followed the mouse.
the source.


where's the cat? The cat is on the moon.
the source.

where's the cat? The cat is on the moon, part 2.
the source.

where are the cats? The cats are on the moon, part 3.
the source.


nothing much.

green java!.
go to tomtom-land.