

Media Lab Events 1998


We wish you...

An animated Christmas greeting awaits you at

To view the greeting your web browser needs to have the Macromedia Shockwave Plug-in installed. If you do not have this plug-in it can be freely obtained from

A non-animated greeting awaits at



Media Lab Christmas demos December 17th, 14-18 UIAH Media Lab

See the whole programme, please.


"European Concept Development for Interactive and Virtual Multimedia", the final call


The Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS'98) conference, Denver USA 29.11. - 3.12.98

Timo Honkela's paper in the workshop Hybrid Neural Symbolic Integration of the NIPS'98: "Self-organizing maps in symbol processing".

Note: also a panel dicussion related to the new media: "Hybrid and neural representations for future work", chair Stefan Wermter.


The Opening of our renovated premises and the EMMA exhibition


FODO'98 Conference in Kobe, Japan 12.-13.11.98

Professor Timo Honkela as an invited speaker in the FODO'98 Conference in November. Timo Honkela's paper: "Professor Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps in Intelligent Systems Development".
The main themes of the conference are related to databases and information retrieval.


The Media Lab as a part of the MuuMedia festival 9.-25.10.98 in the Cable Factory

Adapter - Exhibition of Finnish Media Art
Gable Gallery 10.-25.10. and Turbiinisali 10.-18.10.
Gable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1

Noblesse Oblige - an interactive horror comedy
Aquarium - an interactive tamagotchi drama
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - remember? - a sensor installation


NOBLESSE OBLIGE: premiere 9.10.98!

Welcome to the premiere of Noblesse Oblige, the interactive horror/comedy game on Friday 9.10.98 at 16.00 in the Cable Factory / Turbiinisali, Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki.
Cast: Sirkka Tälli, Miikka Valtonen, Pasi Peni, Matti Kuortti, Marko Pekonen
Production group: Kepa Lehtinen, Kai Lappalainen, Jouni Mutanen, Lasse Seppänen, Tero Makkonen, Tapio Schultz, Heli Peni, Pasi Peni, Samu Heikkilä, Hanna Haaslahti, Minna Väisänen, Raimo Lång


FLE-Tools in Homo Mobilis - Mobile Man exhibition starting 16.9.98

The Museum of Art and Design in Helsinki: Homo Mobilis exhibition 16.9. - 18.10.98. Computing and communications design - portable computing and communications hardware, mobile phones and other equipment that industrial and graphic designers work with - the mobile lifestyle of today and tomorrow.
FLE-Tools is a prototype learning environment, designed by the Media Lab and produced by the Future Learning Environment project.


STeP '98 in Jyväskylä 7.- 9.9.

Professor Timo Honkela in STeP'98 7.9. - 9.9. The main themes of the conference are neural networks and music (separately and even together). Professor Honkela is organizing a panel with the topic "Towards Adaptive Interactive WWW Services". See


The Media Lab in ISEA 98: Liverpool, Manchester in September 2.- 7. - Illness and it's representations


Timo Honkela working in the Media Lab

Our new professor is TIMO HONKELA (applied cognitive and information processing science). Previously he was working in the Neural Networks Research Centre at Helsinki University of Technology as a research scientist. Nowadays he can be found in the Media Lab, room 331.


New students in the Media Lab (MA 98):

Knuutila Tomi Santeri
Kokko Jaana
Kuittinen Petri Mikael
Laitinen Karri Hermanni
Lepistö Jan-Mikael
Martimo Aaro Oskari
Nousiainen Markku
Nuutinen Christer
Paavola Milja Kristiina
Pellinen Teijo Tapani
Saarinen Leena Elisa
Salminen Tomi Erik
Viikari Timo Juhani


InterSymp '98
Professor Timo Honkela in InterSymp'98 Conference 13.8. - 27.8.; symposium on "Complexity, Adaptation, Emergence and Representations" in Baden-Baden, Germany. Invited talk on "Language, Adaptation and Emergence".




The Media Lab Demo Day and the Opening of Our Spring Exhibition on 14.5.98


Media Lab takes part in Open Windows on Europe 15.-24.4.98 in Stockholm


Entry * Media Lab * Studies * People * Facilities
Media Launch * Beta Lounge * Research * Internal